This paper explores the impact of music on social media content production, examining its influence on emotions, behaviours and cultural trends. Music is now recognised as a powerful tool in enhancing the engagement and effectiveness of social content. It has been established that music can affect the initiation of substance use among adolescents and that social media provides a platform for musical instrument education. The impact of music on social media can be assessed quantitatively by using metrics such as the influence of festival advertising. Its qualitative impact is determined by subjective experiences like coping mechanisms in the context of COVID-19. Incorporating music enhances creativity, evokes emotions, modifies behaviours and reinforces brands. Previous research has investigated the psychological effects of music on well-being, social connections and assessments of others through sharing. Musical preferences have an impact on the success of social media marketing, particularly through the promotion of music and products by influencers. The use of music raises issues regarding copyright, licensing, compensation for originators and platform obligations. This article analyses the role of music in the process of creating content, its impact on social media interaction, strategies for integrating digital content, as well as the psychological effects of sharing on social media and both quantitative and qualitative aspects.