Community social work is an approach that has been present in social work since its inception as a distinct fi eld. The Covid-19 pandemic and its eff ects have once again shown its importance. The study aims to draw possible implications for community-based social work from the realised descriptive analysis of the data, which were obtained during contacts with the clients of the #delamcomuzu project. As part of the descriptive analysis, proportional representation, confi dence intervals and, in justifi ed cases, also correlation coeffi cients were used. The conclusions of the analysis of the data itself are in line with the fi ndings of foreign research. The diffi culties addressed tend to vary over time as well as between age groups. From a gender point of view, the smaller representation of men and the gendered nature of the topics of work and relationships in the family appear to be signifi cant. The data can be used both to prepare for eventual confl ict moments caused by possible further interventions of the state in the lives of citizens and also for the present time in favour of various methods of community social work.