The coronavirus disease which has become a global health threat, has affected many countries in a short time and it turned into a pandemic. Although it affects all age groups it is known that the diseasecauses more mortality and morbidity in the elderly. Elderly individuals faced many problems in this process. These problems include social isolation, economic burden, and difficulties in meeting basic needs. Elderly individuals experienced difficulties not only physically but also psychologically and economically in this process. World Health Organization has planned different training programs to maintain the psycho-social and physical well-being of the elderly. The most effective application in preventing the disease and protecting the elderly individuals is seen as isolation. The first population isolated from social environments in our country to prevent the transmission of infection was elderly. Elderly individuals are isolated in their place of residence. Government measures have been taken in the world and our country to control the pandemic, and some health services have been provided in this process. In this review, attention was drawn to the problems faced by elderly individuals during the pandemic process and the health services provided.