A high proportion of people who have suffered from COVID-19 report, after recovery from the acute phase of the disease, clinical manifestations, both subjective and objective, that continue beyond 3 weeks or even 3 months after the original clinical disease. There is still no agreed nomenclature to refer to this condition, but perhaps the most commonly used is post-COVID syndrome. The Scientific Committee on COVID of the Madrid College of Physicians (ICOMEM) has discussed this problem with a multidisciplinary approach in which internists, infectious disease specialists, psychiatrists, pneumologists, surgeons, geriatricians, pediatricians, microbiologists, family physicians and other specialists have participated, trying to gather the existing information and discussing it in the group. The clinical manifestations are very variable and range from simple fatigue to persistent fibrosing lung lesions with objective alterations of pulmonary function. Post-COVID syndrome seems to be particularly frequent and severe in adults who have required admission to Intensive Care Units and has a peculiar behavior in a very small group of children. The post-COVID syndrome, which undoubtedly exists, is at first sight not clearly distinguishable from clinical manifestations that which occur after other acute viral diseases and after prolonged stays in ICUs due to other diseases. Therefore, it offers excellent research opportunities to clarify its pathogenesis and possibly that of other related entities. It is possible that progressively there will be an increased demand for care among the millions of people who have suffered and overcome acute COVID for which the health authorities should design mechanisms for the agile management of care that will possibly require well-coordinated multidisciplinary groups. This paper, structured in questions on different aspects of the post-COVID syndrome, attempts to stage the current state of this problem