After the outbreak of the covid-19 disease in the world of human life, living organisms and their environment were affected in various ways. The outbreak of the covid-19 virus has posed many opportunities and challenges to the world environment. This article aims to investigate the effects of the outbreak of covid-19 disease on the environment. This research has studied the effects of the covid-19 virus on the environment through library and review methods. It has been studied and analyzed in the form of articles and related researches. The results of published sources show that quarantine and the requirement of humans to stay at home to break the covid-19 transmission chain caused the animals to feel safe, move out of their natural territory and into urban and rural areas. Reducing noise and air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions by reducing vehicle traffic and shutting down factories are other positive effects of the covid-19 outbreak that has helped improve air quality and reduce global warming. In addition to these positive effects, reducing conservation activities during the Covid-19 era in some areas has increased habitat destruction and poaching. Increasing household and hospital waste production, increasing the consumption of plastics and disposable materials, and decreasing waste recycling are the negative effects of the covid-19 virus epidemic, which, by destroying resources, puts pressure on the environment. Increased consumption of detergents and disinfectants will have many detrimental effects on the environment. In general, the positive effects of the covid-19 virus on the temporary and short-term environment seem to be small compared to the long-term consequences. Therefore, by overcoming covid-19, we should focus on rebuilding society and a healthy economy, and by fully understanding the opportunities and threats of this virus, we should consciously train environmental behaviors.