As people all over the world are vulnerable to be affected by the COVID-19 virus, the automatic detection of such a virus is an important concern. The paper aims to detect and classify coronavirus using machine learning. To spot and identify coronavirus in CT-Lung screening and Computer-Aided diagnosis (CAD) system is projected to distinguish and classifies the COVID-19. By utilizing the clinical specimens obtained from the corona-infected patients with the help of some machine learning techniques like Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, K-means clustering, and Radial Basis Function. While some specialists believe that the RT-PCR test is the best option for diagnosing Covid-19 patients, others believe that CT scans of the lungs can be more accurate in diagnosing coronavirus infection, as well as being less expensive than the PCR test. The clinical specimens include serum specimens, respiratory secretions, and whole blood specimens. Overall, 15 factors are measured from these specimens as the result of the previous clinical examinations. The proposed CAD system consists of four phases starting with the CT lungs screening collection, followed by a pre-processing stage to enhance the appearance of the ground glass opacities (GGOs) nodules as they originally lock hazy with fainting contrast. A modified K-means algorithm will be used to detect and segment these regions. Finally, we will use the detected, infected areas that obtained in the detection phase with a scale of 50x50 and we will crop the solid false positives that seem to be GGOs as inputs and targets for the machine learning classifiers, here we will use a support vector machine (SVM) and Radial basis function (RBF). Moreover, a GUI application is developed which avoids the confusion of the doctors for getting the exact results by giving the 15 input factors obtained from the clinical specimens.