Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) is work behavior that violates the rules/norms (written or unwritten) that could potentially harm an organization or members of an organization. This study aimed to explain CWB based on the condition of the quality of work life (QWL). CWB can be negative behavior towards co-workers/supervisors/subordinates in the workplace (CWB-I) and can be either negative behavior towards tasks/rules/organizational system (CWB-O). Participants in this study were the members of National Police. The number of participants was 305 people. Based on the analysis, the better the quality of relationships with supervisors (supervisory), the implementation of work culture (constitutionalism), the quality of relationships with co-workers (co-worker), and the quality of tasks/ responsibilities (promotion), the lower the CWB-I. Meanwhile, the lower levels of CWB-O were predicted by the promotion of quality of relationships with supervisors (supervisory). The study raised a further question concerning why the higher quality of/balance between work and private life (work life balance) led into the higher levels of CWB-I.Keywords: counterproductive work behavior, interpersonal behavior, organizational system, quality of work life, supervisoryCounterproductive work behavior (CWB) adalah perilaku kerja yang melanggar aturan/norma (baik tertulis maupun tidak tertulis) yang berpotensi merugikan organisasi atau anggota organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan CWB berdasarkan kondisi quality of work life (QWL). CWB dapat berupa perilaku negatif terhadap rekan/atasan/bawahan di tempat kerja (CWB-I) dan dapat berupa perilaku negatif terhadap tugas/aturan/sistem organisasi (CWB-O). Partisipan pada penelitian ini (N = 305) adalah anggota Kepolisian. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, semakin baik kualitas hubungan dengan atasan (supervisory), penerapan budaya kerja (constitutionalism), peningkatan kualitas hubungan dengan rekan kerja (coworker), dan peningkatan kualitas tugas/jawab (promotion), maka semakin rendah CWB-I. Adapun rendahnya CWB-O, dapat diprediksi melalui kondisi peningkatan kualitas hubungan dengan atasan (supervisory). Penelitian ini menimbulkan pertanyaan lebih lanjut, mengapa semakin tinggi kualitas/keseimbangan antara pekerjaan dan kehidupan pribadi (work life balance), justru semakin tinggi CWB-I.