Since the emergence of urban planning science at the beginning of 20
century, urban disruption as innovation is highly connected to the urban planning framework, it goes along in responding urban problem, in conjunction with the civilization development, from innovation in terms of planning process and field survey in the early 20
century to the use of information and communication technology (ICT) as analytical planning tools in 2010s. The emergence of Coworking Spaces in Bandung, a capital city of West Java where many universities were founded, and a place for youth scholarship and creativity, is an appropriate location to be used as a case study. This paper aims to analyze spatial patterns and linkages with local features, using kernel density and also somer's d association analysis to determine the presence, strength, and direction of the relationship asymmetrically. This is important to analyze the emergence of Coworking Spaces as a part of urban disruption process in promoting city centre vitality while the advance of technology, service sector expansion, liveable building design become primary focus of globally Coworking Spaces discourses.