The effect of pod angle on the resistance of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. to the legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis Geyer, was investigated under field conditions at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, using two cowpea cultivars: IT82D-716 (susceptible to borer damage) and T Vu 946 (resistant to borer damage). Three different pod angles were used in the study -a normal angle, a decreased angle and an increased angle. Negative and highly significant (P < 0.01) relationships were found between pod angle and per cent pod damage, as well as the seed damage Index In the two cowpea cultivars. Pods with wide angles (5 89°) were damaged on only one and rarely on both pods. Apart from biochemical and other bio-physical factors, selection and breeding for wide pod angle is suggested as a strategy for reducing M. testulalis damage to cowpea pods.
Resuml-L'effet de Tangle des gousses sur la resistance du niebe, Vigna unguiculata a la foreuse des gousses, Maruca testulalis a ete Itudie en champ a 1'institut international d'agriculture tropicale (IITA), Ibadan (Nigeria) sur deux cultivars de niebl: IT82D-716 (sensible) et TVu 946 (resistant). Trois angles differents des gousses ont ete Studies: angle ferml, angle normal et angle ouvert.Des relations negatives hautetnent significatives (P < 0.01) furent observers entre Tangle des gousses, le pourcentage de degats sur les gousses et l'indice de degats sur les graines chez les deux cultivars. Dans Tensemble, pour les gousses a angle ouvert (>89°), M. testulalis a occasionne des d£gats sur une seule gousse par plant.La selection et 1'amelioratibn du niebe pour l'obtention de gousses a angle ouvert ont itt sugge>ees comme moyen de reduire les degats de M. testulalis sur les gousses de niebe.