We evaluate all two-body decay modes of the heavy scalar top quark in the minimal supersymmetric standard model with complex parameters (cMSSM) and no generation mixing. The evaluation is based on a full one-loop calculation of all decay channels, also including hard QED and QCD radiation. The renormalization of the complex parameters is described in detail. The dependence of the heavy scalar top quark decay on the relevant cMSSM parameters is analyzed numerically, including also the decay to Higgs bosons and another scalar quark or to a top quark and the lightest neutralino. We find sizable contributions to many partial decay widths and branching ratios. They are roughly of Oð10%Þ of the treelevel results, but can go up to 30% or higher. These contributions are important for the correct interpretation of scalar top quark decays at the LHC and, if kinematically allowed, at the ILC. The evaluation of the branching ratios of the heavy scalar top quark will be implemented into the Fortran code FEYNHIGGS.