Our laboratory has recently developed a lipopolyplex response required assembly of DNA into a lipoplex or the consisting of DOTAP:cholesterol liposomes, protamine LPD lipopolyplex. Except for the heart, elevated levels of sulfate, and plasmid DNA (LPD) that provides improved cytokine were observed in all organs (lung, liver, kidney systemic gene delivery compared with lipoplex following and spleen) where LPD is known to have gene transfer tail vein injection in mice. Because endothelial cells are the activity. Methylation of immune-stimulatory CpG motifs in primary cells transfected in the lung, it was hypothesized the plasmid component of LPD inhibited the proinflammathat LPD might be an effective vector for gene therapy of tory cytokine response as well as the antitumor effect of pulmonary metastases. This hypothesis was examined by LPD in both tumor systems. This suggests that i.v. administesting the efficacy of cytokine (IL-12) and tumor suptration of LPD elicits a systemic proinflammatory cytokine pressor (p53) strategies for treatment of an experimental response that mediates the antitumor activity of the lipopomodel of pulmonary metastasis in C57Bl/6 mice. Surprislyplex. In addition, the antitumor activity was not observed ingly, all LPD complexes including those containing an in SCID mice suggesting a possible role for B or T lympho-'empty' plasmid provided a potent (Ͼ50% inhibition) and cytes in the antitumor response initiated by LPD. This repdose-dependent antitumor effect, compared with dextroseresents the first demonstration that an intravenously treated controls. In addition, i.v. injections of LPD containadministered cationic liposome-based nonviral vector can ing 'empty' plasmid also inhibited tumor growth in a subcutpromote a systemic, Th1-like innate immune response. aneous model of C3 fibrosarcomma. The antitumor effectThe immune adjuvant properties of LPD might prove to be correlated well with a strong and rapid proinflammatory suitable for delivering tumor-specific antigens in the context cytokine (TNF-␣, IL-12 and IFN-␥) response. Naked plasof DNA vaccination. mid DNA did not elicit a cytokine response and the