Dynamic wave interaction and crack propagation in glass have been observed with the edge-on impact (EOI) style test method using an exploding bridged wire (EBW) detonator. The existence of an interlayer or internal surface displayed meaningful wave distortions, delays, reflections, and decreasing amplitude. The interlayer materials used were rubber, stainless steel, and cut surface. The results indicate that the shocks passing the interlayer decrease following the impedance condition and that much of the crack is stopped at the interlayer. The damage pattern was analyzed with the energy and stress dissipation rate. *dkkim@kaist.ac.kr Fig. 8. Analysis of interlayered specimen. (a) Selected high-speed photographs of the glass laminate with stainless steel interlayer. (b) Fracture and wave propagation with time sequence.www.ceramics.org/IJAGS