Fracture toughness testing of polymers is required to estimate the material's fracture resistance when used in load bearing structures . One of the most commonly used fracture toughness tests, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard E813 [1], which was developed for metals but is also used to test polymers, employs thick specimens to limit the amount of crack tip plasticity, and thus approach the plane strain condition . Testing under plane strain conditions represents the worst case scenario ; it yields a conservative fracture toughness estimate. Testing under plane stress conditions produces much higher fracture toughness values [2] . Design with conservative fracture toughness values is desirable, however, in some cases, obtaining the worst case scenario has resulted in the testing of polyethylene specimens that were 250 mm thick [3] .A serious limitation of this method is that polymeric components seldom approach the thickness of the test specimen . Because of these varied thicknesses, it is expected that major morphological differences, i.e., crystallinity changes, will exist between the test specimen and the real component . These differences may cause intrinsically different fracture behaviors . In addition, the cost and feasibility of molding large specimens, as well as testing complications related to the large specimen width, exclude many laboratories from using such a test . For example, in thick specimens, crack tunnelling creates difficulties in locating the crack tip . Determination of the crack length by the compliance method is also uncertain due to the nonlinearity of the unloading curve and the increase in specimen compliance created by the damage zone ahead of the crack tip . These factors indicate the necessity of developing a plane strain fracture toughness test for thin specimens .Plane strain fracture has been previously obtained in very thin specimens by using low load fatigue conditions [4,5] . In this report, such a method to obtain plane strain fracture is combined with a modified Begley and Landes energy analysis technique [6] to deduce the critical energy release rate (J,,,) in thin polyethylene specimens .Thin single edge notch (SEN) specimens, 100 x 27 x 2 mm, were machined from a larger block of high density polyethylene (HDPE) . After razor notching one edge of the specimens to to a depth of five millimeters, the specimens were fatigue loaded at 0 .5 Hz, using a sinusoidal wave form which cycled from 0 to 12.3 MPa ((Y.-45% (). Crack propagation was monitored with a travelling microscope, and load vesus displacement hysteresis loops were recorded on an analog plotter . mnt Journ of Fracture 48 (1991) R47