The Received Signal Strength based source localization can encounter severe problems originating from uncertain information about the anchor positions in practice. The anchor positions, although commonly assumed to be precisely known prior to the source localization, are usually obtained using previous estimation algorithm such as GPS. This previous estimation procedure produces anchor positions with limited accuracy that result in degradations of the source localization algorithm and topology uncertainty. We have recently addressed the problem with a joint estimation framework that jointly estimates the unknown source and uncertain anchors positions and derived the theoretical limits of the framework. This paper extends the authors previous work on the theoretical performance bounds of the joint localization framework with appropriate geometric interpretation of the overall problem exploiting the properties of semidefiniteness and symmetry of the Fisher Information Matrix and the Cramèr-Rao Lower Bound and using Information and Error Ellipses, respectively. The numerical results aim to illustrate and discuss the usefulness of the geometric interpretation. They provide in-depth insight into the geometrical properties of the joint localization problem underlining the various possibilities for practical design of efficient localization algorithms. Ellipse 65 For two-dimensional parameter estimation, such as network node localization, the ellipsoids become ellipses. In the case of the FIM, they are referred as Information Ellipses (IEs) and for the CRLB -Error Ellipses (EEs). This paper extends our previous work in [5] and focuses on the geometric interpretation of the joint localization framework and its appropriate theoretical bounds. The 70 geometrical interpretation of the FIM provides insights into the distribution of the information about the unknown positions that is stored in the observation vector by decoupling it into orthogonal spatial dimensions. Equivalently, the geometrical interpretation of the CRLB illustrates the estimation error spread, i.e. the variance of estimation error around the true value of the estimated parame-75ter. These insights are important since they allows deeper understanding of the localization problem. The geometrical interpretation also provides insights into the possibilities for maximizing the location information in terms of problem dimensioning, network topology design, specific node mobility patterns, channel modeling etc., considering specific limitations and conditions. This can assist 80 the definition of algorithmic rules for optimal combining of different information components, resulting in minimization of the estimation error.Considering the benefits that stem from the geometric interpretation of the performance bounds and related metrics, the contributions of this paper are summarized as follows. The paper introduces and discusses the geometric inter-85 pretation of the general problem of parameter estimation, as well as the problem of joint estimation, emphasizing ...