An approach to tumors of the middle compartment of the skull base is described with three case reports. It is accomplished by extending the subtotal maxillectomy or maxillotomy to include removal of a part of the malar bone, coronoid process of the mandible, nasal turbinates, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, posterior nasal septum, and pterygoid plates. Extension of the incision through the anterior tonsillar pillar and lateral pharyngeal wall into the retropharyngeal space will assist to expose the craniocervical region from the sphenoid roof to the fifth cervical vertebra and the skull base between each eustachian tube and carotid canal. The function of the trigeminal, facial, and hypoglossal nerves, hearing, and nasal airway are preserved without mastoidectomy. A temporalis muscle flap closes the defect. Dysphagia and aspiration are not handicaps.