Abstr Abstract actA step-wise research procedure of arts-based research (ABR) called the Rx6 method is presented. This ABR method is informed by expressive arts therapy, heuristic inquiry, attachment theory, and contemporary affective neuroscience, and is aimed at deepening the understanding of embodied felt sense. The Rx6 approach is based in aesthetics and a pragmatic pre-understanding inspired from an interpretive and a constructivist tradition. The method is a heuristic endeavour where art is applied towards the creation of meaning. For the purpose of exemplifying this method, artwork, produced within the context of a randomized control trial as part of a mixed methods study involving women treated for gynaecological cancer was used. Response art consisting of short written aesthetic responses to pictorial artifacts was applied in a structured manner. The data provided a rich artistic material in which to dialogue with artifacts in search of a condensed response statement. The Rx6 method involves six steps: to relate, resonate, respond, reflect and react to results. Engaging in ABR can offer clinicians and researchers a deepened, expanded, and embodied understanding of the studied phenomena. The complexity of sharing implicit processes and tacit knowledge, its caveats and gains, along with theoretical perspectives of such undertakings, are presented and discussed.K Ke eywor ywords: ds: Neurobiology of intersubjectivity, embodiment, felt sense, experience
Intr Introduction oductionThe purpose of this article is to describe and offer a rationale for a step-wise research procedure of arts-based research (ABR) developed by the two first authors to be implemented in clinical work or research. How this method can be applied will be exemplified by presenting excerpts of our own aesthetic responses to pictorial artifacts produced by 57 research participants in a randomized controlled trial developed by Wärja, Bergmark, and Bonde (2012). The Ethics Board of Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden granted ethical approval on January 19, 2012January 19, (ref. 2012. An artifact is defined here as an object produced or shaped by human craft, conception, and agency (Gerge, 2016). The method was developed to provide a richer account of the qualitative analyses of the research subjects' written statements on how they experienced their bodies after being treated for gynaecological cancer. The study of Wärja The structured and time-framed methodology presented here -the Rx6-method -is offered as a contribution to the growing field of arts-based research (Leavy, 2015). In addition, we mean that this method can enhance research rigor, which has been addressed and called for in order to develop the ABR tradition (Forinash, 2016) (2012a, 2012b) was designed with specific clinical purposes in mind, one was to analyze differences in the paintings between the three different time pointsAccording to Viega, (2016b) scientific rigor in ABR means that, "methods, design, and results should be grounded in the purpose of inquiry" (p. 8),...