This paper discusses the capabilities of the Vist3D system which enables non-technical users, specifically users without knowledge of 3D modelling techniques, interface design, data manipulation and creation of multimedia artefacts to build historical 3D spatiotemporal visualisations from natural language narratives. The user (e.g. museum curator, people involved with cultural heritage) need only supply a narrative of the event and a specification of the artefacts, e.g. buildings, ships. Specifically this paper demonstrates the application of the Vist3D system in the development of a visualisation of Cape Town Harbour during the 1890s. It shows how experts (e.g. in history, cultural heritage, archaeology) can more easily create 3D visualisations without the need for an in depth understanding of complex software or data gathering technologies. The system allows for models of artefacts and visualisations to be created that could enhance static museum displays. Digital heritage. Spatiotemporal. 3D Modelling. Reconstruction of events. Historical. Cape Town harbour. Vist3D. TMap3D.