The environmental sustainability challenges faced by society represent a discontinuity that requires new systemic ways of thinking and approaching problems. For business and consumers this entails finding new ways of creating value. In this respect, this study argues that an important source of value lies in efficient service co-creation between business and consumers in the consumption process. To this end, this study set out to explore the potential of business-to-consumer co-creation to advance solutions to sustainable consumption in the grocery retail setting.Exploratory qualitative research was conducted with grocery retailers and environmentally conscious consumers to gain insights into the types of initiatives that are important with respect to sustainable consumption. The willingness of business and consumers to work together to co-create solutions was gauged, and potential processes and mechanisms for co-creation were explored.The research found that both grocery retailers and consumers recognise sustainability as a systemic issue and welcomed the notion of co-creating solutions. However, the overarching narrative of the research findings with respect to the how of co-creation is that the market may not yet be ready. Retailers are driving sustainability initiatives across the supply chain, with consumers occupying a relatively passive role. This study argues that co-creation represents a fundamentally new paradigm that poses the challenge of a new orientation for the business-to-consumer relationship.ii
AcknowledgementsAs MBA students we are constantly eager to learn and grow, which entails stepping out of comfort zones and into new challenges. The research journey has provided the opportunity to challenge my thinking in new ways; this has been a privileged opportunity and I wish to thank GIBS for the high standards to which we aspire.In particular, I wish to thank my research supervisor, Kerry Chipp, for your inspiration and valuable guidance in this journey. Thank you for sharing your deep knowledge and insights with respect to my research and the discipline of academic research. Your sincere interest and commitment to my progress are tremendously appreciated.To Donald Gibson and the Transnet Programme in Sustainable Development, thank you for your most generous support and contribution which has been instrumental in enabling me to conduct my research.The sustainability imperatives that society faces today represent a discontinuity that challenges us to explore new ways of coming up with solutions. It is these imperatives that have motivated and inspired me to do research in this field. Thank you to each of the individuals who kindly made time available to participate in my research.Thank you to my family and friends for your interest in my research and your unwavering support along the way. The ability to share my research interest and thoughts with you has been an invaluable help. To my fellow MBA compatriots, it has been an incredible experience to share this journey with you."For where yo...