Abstract. The description of physical processes in accelerated frames opens a window to numerous new phenomena. One can encounter these effects both in the subatomic world and on a macroscale. In the present work we review our recent results on the study of the electroweak interaction of particles with an accelerated background matter. In our analysis we choose the noninertial comoving frame, where matter is at rest. Our study is based on the solution of the Dirac equation, which exactly takes into account both the interaction with matter and the nonintertial effects. First, we study the interaction of ultrarelativistic neutrinos, electrons and quarks with the rotating matter. We consider the influence of the matter rotation on the resonance in neutrino oscillations and the generation of anomalous electric current of charged particles along the rotation axis. Then, we study the creation of neutrino-antineutrino pairs in a linearly accelerated matter. The applications of the obtained results for elementary particle physics and astrophysics are discussed.Nowadays it is understood that noninertial effects are important in various areas of modern science such as elementary particles physics, general and special relativity, as well as condensed matter physics [1]. Recently in Refs. [2][3][4] it was realized that the electroweak interaction of particles with accelerated matter leads to interesting applications in physics and astrophysics. In those works, the treatment of the particle evolution was made in the comoving frame, where matter is at rest, with the noninertial effects being accounted for exactly. In the present work we review our recent results on the particle interaction with accelerated matter.Our study of the fermion propagation in an accelerated matter is based on the Dirac equation in a comoving frame. In this situation one can unambiguously define the interaction with background matter. It is known that the motion in a noninertial frame is equivalent to the interaction with an effective gravitational field having the metric tensor g µν . The Dirac equation for the particle bispinor ψ in curved space-time has the form [3],where γ µ (x) are the coordinate dependent Dirac matrices, ∇ µ = ∂ µ + Γ µ is the covariant derivative, Γ µ is the spin connection, m is the particle mass, V L,R ∼