This essay highlights creative thinking and implementation strategies from conventional and Islamic perspectives. Since the birth of the Islamic religion more than 1400 years ago, Islam has taken care of creative thinking Strategies by guaranteeing that they are utilized in life. The Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace, and blessings be upon him, encouraged creative thinking at that time. This paper addressed the subject of the feasibility of deriving creative thinking strategies from the Holy Quran and the Sunnah. And that these techniques have been employed in modern businesses, taking into account the diverse reasons for their implementation. When the application of these strategies was reviewed and researched in the Qur'an and Sunnah, it was determined that they are remarkably analogous to the creative thinking strategies that drew interest barely seventy years ago. In addition, the adoption of creative thinking strategies in businesses from a conventional standpoint was examined. The paper illustrated the processes for adopting these Strategies, their importance, and their results in organizations. These strategies extend the mind, move the mind, and raise diverse talents. The strategies of creative thinking in Islam were also explored, and the strategies for adopting each strategy were outlined. The essay featured Strategies: brainstorming, dialogue strategy and encouragement strategy from a conventional and Islamic perspective. Each strategy in Islam is detailed in terms of why it is employed, who used it, the situation that necessitated its usage, and the repercussions of employing it. The essay outlines the basics of employing creative thinking processes in Islam for individual development and character formation.