A sharp and non-linear qualitative change event, namely, the emergence of creativity in the structure of the psyche of Homo sapiens (HS) about 50,000 years ago, created developmental bifurcations, as a result of which HS attained extraspecific and intraspecific domination. Creativity, a new quality of HS psyche, for the first time in the history of hominids enabled HS to separate the image of the goal (IG) from the reactive behavior, transforming IG into an abstract, symbolic object. The emergence of this creative construct, the ambivalent structure existing in the interpretive environment, created a new need for hominids: a relationship with the virtual product of the psyche, a symbol, which has the signs of objective reality in perception. Thus, a fundamentally unsolvable frustration was created: a frustration caused by the inability to achieve equilibrium relations with the controlling symbolic image. Behavior aimed at satisfying needs and eliminating frustration, accompanied by the ordering and structuring of society, acquires under certain conditions the elements of aggression, transforming into sheer aggression. We believe that in the periods preceding the aggression, there is a deliberate deformation of the psychological image of the enemy, the future victim, resulting in the aggressor perceiving the enemy as lacking in human qualities, those qualities that are the attributes of species identity. In this process, the aggressor's psycho-filters and ethical restrictions are eliminated. We understand intraspecific aggression as the antagonistic contact between the frustration constructs, aimed at reducing the tension caused by frustration. The purpose of this research was to describe the fundamental mechanism by which the intraspecific aggression of Homo sapiens (HS) emerged, resulting from the emergence of new psychic qualities of hominids: creativity and symbolic thinking.To achieve this goal, we used our previously published materials, (1,2) along with the works of cited authors. (3)(4)(5)(6) We view the psyche as a distributed system consisting of functional subsystems, where the emergence of new subsystem, creativity,(1) created conditions for a sharp jump-over to a new quality level of the system as a whole, and changed the functionality of the psyche and its transition into a new class with the possibility of implementing goals at a new level.The emergent phenomenon, a sharp non-linear enhancement of the psychic qualities of HS, which to various degrees is also noted in other hominids, created a developmental bifurcation, the result of which was that HS gained extraspecific and intraspecific domination. Creativity has given to the HS psyche the possibility of separating IG from reactive behavior, i.e. creating the forms of behavior going beyond utilitarian, vital forms.The visualized IG, the creative construct (CC) having the initial applied (learning) value, transformed into an abstract image becomes an independent object of perception of HS.(1,2)The system of primary abstract representations...