The research is aimed to evaluate the training program candidates of school principals in LPMP West Nusa Tenggara Province. This research uses qualitative approach, evaluative research method with Robert Stake Responsive Evaluation Model. Data collection techniques uses observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of the study of training program explain: (1) Antecedent of training program, in general have met the evaluation criteria. As for the aspect of facilities, especially the classroom organizers need to consider the ratio of number of training participants per classroom; (2) Implementation of training programs, generally categorized have met the evaluation criteria. As for the time allocation aspect the organizers need to consider the length of the lesson that the time should be adjusted as the needs of training participants; and (3) The outcomes of the training program, in accordance with the purpose of training program for the candidates of school principals which is improvement of competence of participants in aspects of knowledge, attitude, and skills. The conclusion of this research is that in general, the education and training program of the prospective principals is able to run effectively, the thing which should be considered to be improved by the training organizer is aspect ratio of the number of participants training and the duration of the lesson. The training program is very effective to be done continuously because this program prepares candidates who have personality, managerial, entrepreneurial, supervision and social competence, so that it will have an impact on the quality of school education. Keywords-candidates of school principals; evaluation on training program. I.