This paper is devoted to obtaining a wellposedness result for multidimensional BSDEs with possibly unbounded random time horizon and driven by a general martingale in a filtration only assumed to satisfy the usual hypotheses, i.e. the filtration may be stochastically discontinuous. We show that for stochastic Lipschitz generators and unbounded, possibly infinite, time horizon, these equations admit a unique solution in appropriately weighted spaces. Our result allows in particular to obtain a wellposedness result for BSDEs driven by discrete-time approximations of general martingales.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 60G48, 60G55, 60G57, 60H05. Key words and phrases. BSDEs, processes with jumps, stochastically discontinuous martingales, random time horizon, stochastic Lipschitz generator. We thank Martin Schweizer, two anonymous referees and the associate editor for their comments that have resulted in a significant improvement of the manuscript. Alexandros Saplaouras gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the DFG Research Training Group 1845 "Stochastic Analysis with Applications in Biology, Finance and Physics". Dylan Possamaï gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the ANR project PACMAN, ANR-16-CE05-0027. Moreover, all authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the PROCOPE project "Financial markets in transition: mathematical models and challenges". 1 The authors are indebted to Saïd Hamadène for pointing out this reference. The published version of [51] states that the article was received on October 27, 1971. It is also present in the bibliography of [21], though it is never referred to in the text. 2 We emphasize that the references given below are just the tip of the iceberg, though most of them are, in our view, among the major ones of the field. Nonetheless, we do not make any claim about comprehensiveness of the following list. 1 2 A. PAPAPANTOLEON, D. POSSAMAÏ, AND A. SAPLAOURAS mention El Karoui and Huang [60], Bender and Kohlmann [18], Wang, Ran and Chen [138] as well as Briand and Confortola [27]. The first results going beyond the linear growth assumption in z, which assumed quadratic growth, were obtained independently by Kobylanski [97, 98, 99] and Dermoune, Hamadène and Ouknine [56], for bounded ξ and f Lipschitz in y. These results were then further studied by Eddhabi and Ouknine [59], and improved by Lepeltier and San Martín [107, 108], Briand, Lepeltier and San Martín [35] and revisited by Briand and Élie [31], but still for bounded ξ. Wellposedness in the quadratic case when ξ has sufficiently large exponential moments was then investigated by Briand and Hu [33, 34], followed by Delbaen, Hu and Richou [54, 55], Essaky and Hassani [66], and Briand and Richou [36]. A specific quadratic setting with only square integrable terminal conditions has been considered recently by Bahlali, Eddahbi and Ouknine [6, 7], while a result with logarithmic growth was also obtained by Bahlali and El Asri [8], and Bahlali, Kebiri, Khelfallah and Moussaoui [13]. The ca...