We provide a comprehensive analysis of the co‐movement of credit default swap (CDS), equity, and volatility markets in four Asia‐Pacific countries at firm and index level during the period 2007–2010. First, we examine lead–lag relationships between CDS spread changes, equity returns, and changes in volatility using a vector autoregressive model. At the firm level equity returns lead changes in CDS spreads and realized volatility. However, at the index level the intertemporal linkages between the three markets are less clear‐cut. Second, we apply the measures proposed by Diebold and Yilmaz (2014) to an analysis of volatility spillovers among the CDS, equities, and volatility asset classes. The results suggest that realized volatility (at firm level) and implied volatility (at index level) are the main transmitters of cross‐market volatility spillovers. Third, we analyze the impact of various structural factors and confirm the importance of realized volatility of equity returns as a determinant of CDS spreads.