In recent years, the development of Y.-hardened monocrystalline nickel-base superalloys focused on different aspects of alloy composition and microstructural refinement. In particular, the formation of so-called y/y'-raft structures, lying typically, in the case of a negative y/y'-lattice misfit 6, perpendicular to the stress axis during high-temperature tensile creep had attracted much attention. Unfortunately, this microstructural transformation leads in most cases to deteriorated creep properties. Earlier attempts to prevent rafting by suitable prior annealing treatments had been in so far unsuccessful, that while the applied annealing treatment retarded raft formation, it inevitably lead to microstructural coarsening accompanied by creep acceleration. The goal of the present extensive study is to show that suitable pre-rafting in compression, leading to a y/y'-raft structure parallel to the stress axis in the case of a negative lattice misfit, enhances not only the isothermal hightemperature fatigue strength, as shown earlier, but also the hightemperature creep properties. The observed macroscopic creep behaviour will be discussed with reference of microstructural observations.