The healthy development of adolescents is favored by interactions involving reciprocity and balance of power, however, neglectful or abusive relationships can be found in educational practices in family or school psychological violence being the most recurrent and often associated with other types of abuse. In this type of abuse the teenager is disqualified in their abilities, desires and emotions. This study aimed to investigate the exposure of adolescents to psychological violence, as well as identify its association with other types of abuse (physical, sexual, and neglect), the perpetrator and the context of occurrence. We also sought to investigate the relationship between different types of violence studied and socio-demographic variables of the respondents. Therefore we performed a cross-sectional study with a population of 218 adolescents (aged 14-18 years) of a public educational institution.These students completed a questionnaire and Psychological Violence Scale (EVP), whose data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study showed that 96,3% of students suffered psychological violence, followed by fisical violence (34,9%), sexual (7,3%) and neglect (2,8%). Over 90% of adolescents who suffered physical, sexual and psychological violence suffered neglect in mild and moderate form which shows the co-occurrence of victimization. We observed that 94,5% of students were exposed to such violence in its mild and moderate and 1,8% severe form, and only 3,7% of adolescents never responded to the 18 items asked of psychological research. These data show that psychological violence, even if experienced with mild to moderate behavior is present in the relationship with significant people in the lives of most adolescents in this study. RESUMEN CAVALIN, L. A. Violencia psicológica: un estudio de los adolescentes de una institución de educación pública en el estado de São Paulo. 2013. 103 f. Disertación (Maestría) -Escuela de Enfermería de Ribeirão Preto de la Universidad de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2013. El desarrollo saludable de los adolescentes se ve favorecida por las interacciones que implican reciprocidad y equilibrio de poderes, sin embargo, las relaciones negligentes o abusivas se pueden encontrar en las prácticas educativas en la familia o en la escuela, la violencia psicológica son los más recurrentes y, a menudo asociados con otros tipos de abuso. En este tipo de abuso, el adolescente es descalificado en sus capacidades, deseos y emociones. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la exposición de los adolescentes a la violencia psicológica, así como identificar su relación con otros tipos de abuso (físico, sexual, y abandono), el autor y el contexto de aparición. También trató de investigar la relación entre los diferentes tipos de violencia estudiados y las variables socio-demográficas de los encuestados. Por lo tanto, se realizó un estudio transversal con una población de 218 adolescentes (de entre 14 a 18 años) de una institución educativa pública. Los estudiantes completaron un cuestionari...