Abstract. Information Security has become an important issue in data communication. In modern world, internet and network applications are growing fast. So the importance and the value of the exchanged data over the internet or other media types are increasing. Any loss or threat to information can prove to be huge loss to the organization. Encryption technique is the best solution against the intruder. In this paper we formalize a new symmetric cryptographic cipher technique which is easy to understand and implement. This introduced cipher technique's name is Cross Language Cipher technique (CLCT). In this technique we use the concept of cross language which plays an important role in data security. Today most of the cipher techniques work with English language but we use two languages English and Hindi in our cipher technique. Basically, here are two functions in CLCT; first replaces/converts the English text data to Hindi text data and second function encrypt the Hindi text data. The encryption function is similar to Caesar cipher's function. To find the actual plaintext by intruder is not an easy task because CLCT uses diffusion property. So, CLCT is more reliable and powerful cipher technique. Most of cipher techniques have issue of higher performance and good security feature. Advantages of CLCT are that its performance is high and is less vulnerable to network attack.