<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Smart city is a connection of physical and social infrastructure together with the information technology to leverage the collective intelligence of the city. Cities will build huge data centres. These data are collected from sensors, social media, and legacy data sources. In order to be smart, cities needs data analysis to identify infrastructure that needs to be improved, city planning and predictive analysis for citizen safety and security. However, no matter how much smart city focus on the updated technology, data do not organize themselves in a database. Such tasks require a sophisticated database structure to produce informative data output. Furthermore, increasing number of smart cities and generated data from smart cities contributes to current phenomenon called big data. These large and complex data collections would be difficult to process using regular database management tools or traditional data processing applications. There are multiple challenges for big data, including visualization, mining, analysis, capture, storage, search, and sharing. Efficient data analysis mechanisms are necessary to search and extract valuable patterns and knowledge through the big data of smart cities. In this paper, we present a technique of three-dimensional data analytics using dendrogram clustering approach. Data will be organized using this technique and several output and analyses are carried out to proof the efficiency of the structure for three – dimensional data analytics in smart city.</p>