lipolysis in WAT (23, 24). Thus, A4 expression in WAT promotes flux of fatty acids toward oxidative tissues to supply them with energy substrate during fasting. A3 and A8 are functionally interdependent in vivo (11) and in vitro (25). Expression of A8 fails to suppress intravascular LPL of mice lacking A3 (11). The 2 family members form a complex in which the LPL binding domain of A8 (and not A3) is required for LPL inhibition (25). After feeding, A3 and A8 act together in the systemic circulation to inhibit LPL activity. Under these conditions, more circulating TGs bypass oxidative tissues and are hydrolyzed in WAT (7, 21). Feeding also increases expression of A8 in adipose tissue, but its role in WAT has not been defined (11, 19, 20). To begin to understand the relative roles of A8 in liver and in adipose tissue, we developed mice in which A8 is selectively inactivated in those 2 tissues. Here we show that A8 has distinct physiological functions in the 2 tissues. All detectable circulating A8 originates in the liver, and only this form of A8 complexes with A3 to inhibit intravascular lipolysis. A8 from adipose tissue makes no detectable contribution to circulating A8, but rather has local effects on substrate homeostasis. A8 expression in adipose tissue attenuates the LPL inhibitory actions of A4, thus ensuring a rapid replenishment of energy stores with feeding after a fast. Results Tissue-specific inactivation of A8. We developed C57BL/6N mice in which expression of A8 was ablated either in hepatocytes (liver-specific-A8-/mice; Ls-A8-/mice) or in adipocytes (adipose-specific-A8-/mice; As-A8-/mice). The mice were established using the Cre-lox system to remove exons 1 and 2 of A8 (Figure 1A). In the targeting construct, the neomycin gene is flanked by 2 rox sites that recombine to remove the Neo cassette, thus producing an allele with loxP sites flanking the first 2 exons of A8. Mice homozygous for the fl allele were used as controls for all experiments described in this paper, unless otherwise stated, and are referred to as WT. A8 was inactivated by crossing mice homozygous for the fl allele either with mice expressing Cre under control of the albumin promoter (B6N.Cg-Speer6-ps1 Tg(Alb-cre)21Mgn /J; Alb-Cre) (26) or with mice expressing Cre driven by the adiponectin promoter (Adipo-Cre) (27) to produce Ls-A8-/mice and As-A8-/mice, respectively. Both sexes transmitted the inactivated A8 allele, and the genotypes of the offspring conformed to the expected Mendelian ratios (Supplemental Table 1; supplemental material available online with this article; Litter sizes were similar in KO and WT mice (Supplemental Table 2). Because A8 is not expressed in the fasting state, all experiments were performed in refed conditions unless otherwise stated. The mean body weights of the C57BL/6N A8-/mice were similar to those of WT controls at 9-10 weeks of age (Figure 1B). The mean total fat mass was significantly lower in the total A8-/mice (3.0± 0.2 vs. 1.7± 0.1 g) but not in th...