Distorted perception of information in the educational space, including digital space, directly affects both the quality of hearing impaired students' education and teaching quality requirements. Our study is devoted to the problem of searching and testing accurate and flexible tools for educators working in inclusion in order to monitor the quality of their teaching. We believe that students' digital profile, i.e. a dynamic map of their educational success, can be one of these tools. Our article is aimed at clarifying the significance of the digital profile criteria, establishing the relation between the depth of deformation of the information perception by hearing impaired students and possible options for approaching the norm in verbal expression of meaningful educational material. In order to enhance the tools for monitoring the quality of teaching students with hearing impairments we used the system of empirical (pedagogical observation) and diagnostic (testing, problems and tasks) methods based on the structuration theory by Giddens and the concept of polycontextuality by Gunther. The results of our study include the established contexts of the levels of learning capability and intellectual ability of hearing impaired students. The results are based on testing the students for the period from 2017 to 2020 and analysis of various information sources, including digital, in terms of their impact on the dynamics of the digital profile of students with hearing impairments.