Rescattering is a central process in ultrafast physics, in which an electron, freed from an atom and accelerated by a laser field, looses its energy by producing high-order harmonics or multiple ionization. Here, taking helium as a prototypical atom, we numerically demonstrate superelastic rescattering in single ionization of an atom. In this scenario, the absorption of a high-energy extreme ultraviolet (EUV) photon leads to emission of one electron and excitation of the second one into its first excited state, forming He + * . A time-delayed mid-infrared laser pulse accelerates the freed electron, drives it back to the He + * and induces the transition of the bound electron to the ground state of the ion. Identification of the superelastic rescattering process in the photoelectron momentum spectra provides a means to determine the photoelectron momentum at the time of rescattering without using any information of the time-delayed probe laser pulse.