We show that the correlations of electrons with a fixed energy in metals have very anomalous time and space dependences. Due to soft modes that exist in any Fermi liquid, combined with the incomplete screening of the Coulomb interaction at finite frequencies, the correlations in 2-d systems grow with time as t 2 . In the presence of disorder, the spatial correlations grow as the distance squared. Similar, but in general weaker, effects are present in 3-d systems and in the absence of quenched disorder. We propose ways to experimentally measure these anomalous correlations.PACS numbers: 05.30.Fk; 71.27.+a Equilibrium time-correlation functions are an essential concept in statistical mechanics [1]. They describe the spontaneous fluctuations of a system in equilibrium, and together with the partition function they provide a complete description of the equilibrium state. Via the fluctuation-dissipation theorem they also describe the linear response of the system to external fields, and they are directly measurable by means of scattering experiments.An old, and seemingly plausible, assumption is that microscopic correlations decay on time scales that are much faster than macroscopic observation times. Various concepts depend on this assumption, for instance, the notion that the BBGKY hierarchy of classical kinetic equations can be truncated [2]. An analogous assumption underlies the Kadanoff-Baym scheme of deriving and solving quantum kinetic equations and its generalizations [3,4]. The assumption of a separation of time scales is also important in other areas, e.g., in signal processing [5,6]. For time-correlation functions it implies that they decay exponentially for large times. Equivalently, their Laplace transform is an analytic function of the complex frequency z at z = 0. The discovery of the non-exponential decay known as long-time tails (LTTs) [7][8][9], and the related breakdown of a virial expansion for transport coefficients [10,11] thus came as a considerable surprise [12], since it showed that the assumption is in general not true. Rather, many time-correlation functions decay only algebraically, i.e., they have no intrinsic time scale. This scale invariance is reminiscent of the behavior of correlation functions at critical points; however, it occurs in entire phases, as opposed to just at isolated points in the phase diagram, and therefore is referred to as 'generic scale invariance' [13][14][15]. The underlying physical reason is either conservation laws, or Goldstone modes that lead to a slow decay of some longwavelength fluctuations and, via mode-mode-coupling effects, affect the decay of other degrees of freedom. An example is the shear stress in a classical fluid, which is not conserved, yet its time-correlation function decays algebraically as 1/t d/2 for long times t in a d-dimensional fluid since it couples to the transverse momentum, which is conserved. As a result, the Green-Kubo expressions for various transport coefficients diverge in dimensions d ≤ 2, and the hydrodynamic equations bec...