Neurons sharing similar features are often selectively connected with a higher probability and should be located in close vicinity to save wiring. Selective connectivity has, therefore, been proposed to be the cause for spatial organization in cortical maps. Interestingly, orientation preference (OP) maps in the visual cortex are found in carnivores, ungulates, and primates but are not found in rodents, indicating fundamental differences in selective connectivity that seem unexpected for closely related species. Here, we investigate this finding by using multidimensional scaling to predict the locations of neurons based on minimizing wiring costs for any given connectivity. Our model shows a transition from an unstructured salt-and-pepper organization to a pinwheel arrangement when increasing the number of neurons, even without changing the selectivity of the connections. Increasing neuronal numbers also leads to the emergence of layers, retinotopy, or ocular dominance columns for the selective connectivity corresponding to each arrangement. We further show that neuron numbers impact overall interconnectivity as the primary reason for the appearance of neural maps, which we link to a known phase transition in an Ising-like model from statistical mechanics. Finally, we curated biological data from the literature to show that neural maps appear as the number of neurons in visual cortex increases over a wide range of mammalian species. Our results provide a simple explanation for the existence of salt-and-pepper arrangements in rodents and pinwheel arrangements in the visual cortex of primates, carnivores, and ungulates without assuming differences in the general visual cortex architecture and connectivity.neural maps | optimal wiring | visual cortex | orientation preference | pinwheels M odels assuming short cables and fast signal propagation in the circuit predict the precise placement of neurons and brain areas (1-4), the existence of topographic maps (5), and the existence of ocular dominance (OD) columns and orientation preference (OP) maps in the visual cortex (6, 7). The latter examples have become model systems to study structured neural maps because of the combination of striking striped patterns of OD and the intricate arrangement of OPs in a radial symmetry around pinwheel-like structures (8-11). A number of modeling approaches have been shown to predict different map properties and their possible biological origin (12-15). Examples are the link between the shape of the visual cortex and the overall stripe pattern of OD columns (16, 17) as well as the link between monocular deprivation and stripe thickness (16,18). In accordance with these observations, the enlargement of specific brain areas has been predicted by competitive Hebbian models (Kohonen maps) in regions with increased input (19) and has been found in monkeys and cats (20,21). Furthermore, the order of OD and OP map development has been linked to the ratio between OD and OP wavelength (22), and a constant density of pinwheels relative to the ...