Renormalization group, and in particular its Quantum Field Theory implementation has provided us with essential tools for the description of the phase transitions and critical phenomena beyond mean field theory. We therefore review the methods, based on renormalized φ 4 3 quantum field theory and renormalization group, which have led to a precise determination of critical exponents of the N -vector model [1,2] and of the equation of state of the 3D Ising model [3]. These results are among the most precise available probing field theory in a nonperturbative regime.Precise calculations first require enough terms of the perturbative expansion. However perturbation series are known to be divergent. The divergence has been characterized by relating it to instanton contributions. The information about large order behaviour of perturbation series has then allowed to develop efficient "summation" techniques, based on Borel transformation and conformal mapping [4].We first discuss exponents and describe our recent results [2]. Compared to exponents, the determination of the scaling equation of state of the 3D Ising model involves a few additional (non-trivial) technical steps, like the use of the parametric representation, and the order dependent mapping method. From the knowledge of the equation of state a number of ratio of critical amplitudes can also be derived.Finally we emphasize that few physical quantities which are predicted by renormalization group to be universal have been determined precisely, and much work remains to be done. Considering the steady increase in the available computer Talk given at the Conference "Renormalization Group 2000, Taxco (Mexico), 11-15 Jan. 1999 * Laboratoire de la Direction des Sciences de la Matière du Commissariatà l'Energie Atomique 2 resources, many new calculations will become feasible. In addition to the infinite volume quantities, finite size universal quantities would also be of interest, to provide a more direct contact with numerical simulations. Let us also mention dynamical observables, a largely unexplored territory.