We show that in RuO 2 -glass composites the nonuniversal resistivity exponent can be modulated by an applied mechanical strain, signaled by a logarithmic divergence of the piezoresistive response at the percolation threshold. We interpret this phenomenon as being due to a tunneling-distance dependence of the transport exponent, supporting therefore a theory of transport nonuniversality proposed some years ago. The study of transport properties of thick-film resistors (TFRs) is of crucial interest for the improvement of sensor devices based on thick-film technology. 1 In particular, the understanding of the interplay between microscopic properties, dc transport, and the piezoresistive response have important implications in the fabrication of robust force and pressure sensor devices.The most common thick-film piezoresistors are composed by submicron conducting RuO 2 grains (or also Pb 2 Ru 2 O 6 and Bi 2 Ru 2 O 7 ) dispersed in an insulating host usually given by a lead-borosilicate glass. 2 The transport properties of TFRs are governed by two main ingredients. On the microscopic level, electron transport is via quantum tunneling through nanometer-thick films of glass separating two neighboring conducting particles, 3-5 while on macroscopic scale transport displays percolation-like behavior, 6,7 with resistivity following a power-law of the form:where 0 is a material-dependent prefactor, x c is the percolation critical volume fraction below which goes to infinity, and t is the dc transport critical exponent. According to the standard theory of transport percolation, 8,9 the microscopic properties, such as the intergrain tunneling in TFRs, do affect the values of 0 and x c , but should leave the critical exponent t unaltered and equal to the universal value t 0 Ӎ 2.0 valid for three-dimensional disordered composites. 10 In contrast to this view, the critical exponent of TFRs has been often found to be larger than t 0 , 7,11 up to about t Ӎ 7.0. 6 Despite the fact that such universality breakdown has been repeatedly reported for decades, and that it has been observed also for systems different from TFRs, 9 a common view regarding its origin is still lacking. 12 We show in this letter that breakdown of universality ͑t Ͼ t 0 ͒ in RuO 2 -based TFRs is accompanied by a logarithmic divergence of the piezoresistive response at the percolation threshold x c , providing evidence that the transport critical exponent t depends upon the mean intergrain tunneling distance, as proposed a few years ago in Ref. 13.Our samples were prepared starting with a leadborosilicate glass powder ͓PbO͑75 wt % ͒-B 2 O 3 ͑10 wt % ͒-SiO 2 ͑15 wt % wt͔͒ +2% of Al 2 O 3 of 1-5 µm grain sizes. Differential scanning calorimetry measurements indicated a glass softening temperature of about 430°C and absence of crystallization. TFRs were then fabricated by mixing two series of RuO 2 powders with 40 and 400 nm grain sizes with the glass particles together with a vehicle of terpineol and ethyl cellulose. The pastes were screen printed on Al 2 O 3 subst...