Abstract. We study productive properties of γ spaces, and their relation to other, classic and modern, selective covering properties. Among other things, we prove the following results:(1) Solving a problem of F. Jordan, we show that for every unbounded tower set X ⊆ R of cardinality ℵ 1 , the space C p (X) is productively Fréchet-Urysohn. In particular, the set X is productively γ. (2) Solving problems of Scheepers and Weiss, and proving a conjecture of BabinkostovaScheepers, we prove that, assuming the Continuum Hypothesis, there are γ spaces whose product is not even Menger. (3) Solving a problem of Scheepers-Tall, we show that the properties γ and Gerlits-Nagy (*) are preserved by Cohen forcing. Moreover, every Hurewicz space that Remains Hurewicz in a Cohen extension must be Rothberger (and thus (*)). We apply our results to solve a large number of additional problems, and use Arhangel'skiȋ duality to obtain results concerning local properties of function spaces and countable topological groups.