SrTiO 3 , a quantum paraelectric 1 , becomes a metal with a superconducting instability after removal of an extremely small number of oxygen atoms 2 . It turns into a ferroelectric upon substitution of a tiny fraction of strontium atoms with calcium 3 . The two orders may be accidental neighbours or intimately connected, as in the picture of quantum critical ferroelectricity 4 . Here, we show that in Sr 1−x Ca x TiO 3−δ (0.002 < x < 0.009, δ < 0.001) the ferroelectric order coexists with dilute metallicity and its superconducting instability in a finite window of doping. At a critical carrier density, which scales with the Ca content, a quantum phase transition destroys the ferroelectric order. We detect an upturn in the normal-state scattering and a significant modification of the superconducting dome in the vicinity of this quantum phase transition. The enhancement of the superconducting transition temperature with calcium substitution documents the role played by ferroelectric vicinity in the precocious emergence of superconductivity in this system, restricting possible theoretical scenarios for pairing.A perovskite of the ABO 3 family, SrTiO 3 is a quantum paraelectric whose dielectric constant rises to ∼20,000 at low temperature 1 , but avoids long-range ferroelectric order. It becomes a metal by substituting Sr with La, Ti with Nb, or by removing O. It has been known for half a century that this metal is a superconductor at low temperatures 2 . More recently, a sharp Fermi surface and a superconducting ground state have been found to persist down to a carrier concentration of 10 17 cm −3 in SrTiO 3−δ (refs 5,6 However, mobile electrons screen polarization and therefore only insulating solids are expected to host a ferroelectric order. Hitherto, as a paradigm, ferroelectric quantum criticality, in contrast to its magnetic counterpart, was deprived of an experimental phase diagram in which a superconducting phase and a ferroelectric order share a common boundary.Here, we produce such a phase diagram in the case of Sr 1−x Ca x TiO 3−δ . The main new observations are the following: metallic Sr 1−x Ca x TiO 3−δ hosts a phase transition structurally indistinguishable from the ferroelectric phase transition in insulating Sr 1−x Ca x TiO 3 ; the coexistence between this ferroelectric-like order and superconductivity ends beyond a threshold carrier concentration; and, in the vicinity of this quantum phase transition, calcium substitution enhances the superconducting critical temperature and induces an upturn in the normal-state resistivity.Figure 1 summarizes what we know about the emergence of ferroelectricity, metallicity and superconductivity in this system. When a small fraction of Sr atoms (x > 0.002) is replaced with isovalent Ca, Sr 1−x Ca x TiO 3 becomes ferroelectric 3 , with a Curie temperature steadily increasing with Ca content in the dilute limit 0.002 < x < 0.02 (refs 3,13,14). Macroscopic polarization below the Curie temperature has been observed in dielectric and linear birefringence measurements, a...