Generalized depletion curves for desorption (and corresponding breakthrough curves for adsorption) were calculated for systems characterized by the Langmuir-type multicomponent equilibrium equation and controlled by the film type rate model. In contrast with adsorption where the nonkey (or less strongly adsorbed) component curves display overshoots above feed concentration, in desorption the key component depletion curves exhibit the instabilities in the form of inflections and curvatures. As in the one component case, the differences in the depletion and breakthrough curves may be related to the rate phenomena. The undulations in the key component depletion curves may be characterized by derivatives of the rate data. The major significance of these instabilities is to elongate the depletion curves, which in turn requires the expenditure of added effort during regeneration. Process modifications are indicated, which could suppress the instabilities. The predicted trends were c o n k e d by experimental depletion curves.
SCOPEMost of the studies dealing with the design of sorption step in the operation of the cyclic processes. Recently it based separation processes have focused on the description was shown that in systems characterized by favorable isoof the adsorption step; and even these have been confined therms (d2W/dC2 < 0) the depletion curves are considermostly to single component systems. From experience, ably elongated in comparison to the corresponding breakhowever, the desorption is known to be the controlling through curves. Mechanistically the elongation may be