“…Researchers determined that, despite evidence of the positive impact of technology on student learning during the past decades (Edyburn, 2005(Edyburn, , 2010Englert, Manalo, & Zhao, 2004 ;Hartshorne, Ferdig, & Dawson, 2006 ;Lee & Vail, 2005 ), teachers do not integrate technology in teaching even though they use it in their personal lives (Kumar & Vigil, 2011 ;Kvavik, 2005 ), and new teachers [and teacher educators] continue to teach using the same methodologies they were taught (Russell, Bebell, O'Dwyer, & O'Connor, 2003 ). Technology remains of minor importance for most teachers in practice (Lemke, Coughlin, & Reifsneider, 2009 ), because they must believe that it improves student learning Guskey, 2001Guskey, , 2002Miranda & Russell, 2011 ) and have a strong teacher's sense of effi cacy to use technology Benton-Borghi, 2006 ;Benton-Borghi & Chang, 2012 ).…”