SECTORDIGITAL TRANSFORMATION (DX) radically reshapes industries and societies. 1,2 A critical stakeholder group needed to bring this transformation about consists of public sector software professionals, such as those within public transport agencies. For example, mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) enables citizens to buy public transport as part of a broader bundle of transport options. On-demand services like ride-hailing, car shares, and demand-response public transport are increasingly used by citizens. Free-floating e-scooters are a new breed of connected vehicles managed via users' smartphones. This changing landscape requires public transport organizations to quickly adapt and collaborate with a changing and increasingly digitalized transport system by including these changing travel habits in agencies' travel planning systems. However, this, in turn, requires agencies to acquire software in a way that supports DX, and where we argue that open source software (OSS) can play a crucial role.DX is going beyond being a buzzword and becoming an established topic for research. Hanelt et al. 2 recently published a thorough metareview based on 279 published articles to clarify how scholars have understood DX. At its core, this massive metareview showed that DX is a process that includes two significant shifts: 1) organizations move toward malleable organizational designs that enable continuous adaption, and 2) this change is embedded in and enabled by digital business ecosystems.In practice, DX allows the organization to reshape itself to new challenges and opportunities rapidly (we refer to this as organizational agility). Also, successful DX enables an organization to have whole new collaborations with external