Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (TIPS) is a second-line treatment because of an increased incidence of overt hepatic encephalopathy (OHE). A better selection of patients to decrease this risk is needed and one promising approach could be the detection of minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE). The aim of the present prospective study was to determine whether pre-TIPS minimal hepatic encephalopathy was predictive of post-TIPS OHE and to compare Psychometric Hepatic Encephalopathy Sum Score (PHES) and the Critical Flicker Frequency (CFF) in this setting. From May 2008 to January 2011, 54 consecutive patients treated with TIPS were included. PHES and CFF were performed 1 to 7 days before and after TIPS at months 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 or until liver transplantation or death. Before TIPS, MHE was detected by PHES and CFF in 33% and 39% of patients, respectively. After the TIPS procedure, 19 patients (35%) experienced a total of 64 episodes of OHE. OHE developed significantly more often in patients for whom an indication for TIPS had been refractory ascites, with a history of OHE or of renal failure, lower hemoglobin level, or MHE as diagnosed by CFF. Post-TIPS OHE was more accurately predicted by CFF than by PHES. Absence of MHE at CFF had a good negative predictive value (91%) for the risk of post-TIPS recurrent OHE, defined as the occurrence of three or more episodes of OHE or of one episode which lasted more than 15 days. The absence of pre-TIPS history of OHE and a CFF value equal to or greater than 39 Hz had a 100% negative predictive value for post-TIPS recurrent OHE. Conclusion: Aiming to decrease the rate of post-TIPS HE, the use of CFF could help selecting patients for TIPS. (HEPATOLOGY 2014;59:622-629) T ransjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (TIPS) have been part of the armamentarium against the complications of portal hypertension for 20 years. As a whole, TIPS proved more effective than alternative treatments in controlling or preventing variceal bleeding and refractory ascites, although meta-analyses failed to show any improvement in survival and evidenced an increased incidence of hepatic encephalopathy (HE). 1-3 Consequently, in most situations TIPS is considered a second-line treatment. 4,5 Three risk factors for post-TIPS HE have been identified by a recent meta-analysis pooling more than 3,000 patients: age over 65 years, history of previous episodes of HE, and Child-Pugh score equal to or greater than 10. 6 A better selection of the patients based on those criteria should lessen the risk of post-TIPS HE. However, the incidence of post-TIPS overt HE (OHE) in patients fulfilling these criteria remains close to 30%, so that we clearly need new parameters. One of them could be minimal HE (MHE) which is