This Special Issue on environmental attunement introduces seven papers that engage with a range of different insights and practices of natureculture and embodied connections to place across health, sport and physical education. We have organised the papers into three themes that explore possibilities for: (i) notions of the environment and 'nature' in research and practice; (ii) possibilities and challenges of translating environment, sustainability and 'nature' from policy and curriculum documents into practice; and (iii) philosophical and theoretical links to emplaced and embodied learningpast-present-future. These are by no means exclusive themes and readers will recognise other patterns of theoretical and empirical possibility as well as important geographical and contextual nuances that need to be explored further. Because of this, we hope that this collection inspires further submissions via an extended call for papers that engage with the challenges and the possibilities of how we might approach the complex environmental, ecological, political and cultural factors that shape health, sport and physical education in current times.