Measurements are reported for the intensity and spectral width of light scattered by concentration fluctuations near the critical mixing point of the binary liquid mixture 3‐methylpentane‐nitroethane. The data were taken at the critical concentration as a function of temperature and scattering angle.The intensity data allow us to determine the susceptibility (∂c/∂ μ)T,P and the equilibrium correlation length ξ as a function of temperature. The decay rate of the concentration fluctuations, as determined from the linewidth of the central component in the spectrum of scattered light, was measured as a function of ξ and wave number k in the range 0.1 ≤ kξ, ≤ 20. In the hydrodynamic regime (kξ << 1) the decay rate Γ decreases with decreasing temperature difference Δ T =T‐Tc, but approaches a constant value in the critical regime (kξ >> 1). We have verified the prediction from dynamical scaling that Γ should vary as k3 in the limit kξ>> 1. The observed variation of Γ with k ξ is compared with the theory of Kawasaki. Differences between theory and experiment are observed if one imposes the condition that the behavior of the decay rate is governed by the same correlation length ξ that is determined by the static properties. A major part of the disagreement could be accounted for if one assumes the presence of a background term similar to the one previously introduced in the thermal diffusivity near the gas‐liquid critical point. It seems likely, however, that the decay rate is also affected by the anomalous behavior of the viscosity, not yet accounted for in the theory.