Experimental data for the surface tension of polystyrenes of different molecular weights (3400 -200,000) and different molecular weight dispersities (1-3) and of different polyolefins are compared with the predictions of the Patterson-Rastogi and Dee-Sauer cell theories, which infer the surface tension from pressure-volumetemperature (PVT) data. PVT data for these polymers were obtained from the literature and experimentally and are fitted to the Flory-Orwoll-Vrij equation of state. Both theories predict that the surface tension will decrease linearly with increasing temperature and increase with molecular weight, thereby corroborating the experimental data. However, both theories underestimate the entropy change in the surface formation per unit area at a constant volume for low molecular weight and polydisperse systems and underestimate the effect of molecular weight dispersity on surface tension. Both theories feature two parameters, m and b, that quantify the enthalpic and entropic contributions to surface tension. The theoretical predictions are fitted to the experimental data for monodisperse polystyrene (with a molecular weight above the molecular weight of entanglement), polypropylene, and linear low-density polyethylene to quantify the enthalpic contribution to surface tension. b is then evaluated as a function of molecular weight and molecular weight dispersity and is found to decrease with increasing molecular weight and to increase with increasing molecular weight dispersity, showing that end-group excess at the surface has some effect on surface tension.