Druet [6] proved that if (fγ )γ is a sequence of Moser-Trudinger type nonlinearities with critical growth, and if (uγ )γ solves (0.1) and converges weakly in H 1 0 to some u∞, then the Dirichlet energy is quantified, namely there exists an integer N ≥ 0 such that the energy of uγ converges to 4πN plus the Dirichlet energy of u∞. As a crucial step to get the general existence results of [7], it was more recently proved in [8] that, for a specific class of nonlinearities (see (0.2)), the loss of compactness (i.e. N > 0) implies that u∞ ≡ 0. In contrast, we prove here that there exist sequences (fγ )γ of Moser-Trudinger type nonlinearities which admit a noncompact sequence (uγ )γ of solutions of (0.1) having a nontrivial weak limit.