Gender issues have been well conceptualized in feminist organization studies. However, gender research has had limited practical effects, in part because it has not been well conceptualized in the sustainability in management education (SiME) scholarship; nor has it been adequately prioritized in management and business curricula. I argue that given the persistence of discrimination, segregation, sexual oppression, inequality, and lack of empowerment of women (to name a few . . . ), mandatory gender education is needed to equip management students as they enter diverse and equal opportunity working environments. Integrating SiME and Feminist Organization literatures, I develop a multidimensional framework for conceptualizing gender studies in the classroom. This theoretical framework offers faculty and students an evolving pathway to analyze gender and SiME with perspectives in feminist organization studies. I conclude by reflecting on integration strategies for creating space in research and pedagogy for the critical engagement of gender debates in our programs.