Average (bio)equivalence tests are used to assess if a parameter, like the mean difference in treatment response between two conditions for example, lies within a given equivalence interval, hence allowing to conclude that the conditions have 'equivalent' means. The two one-sided tests (TOST) procedure, consisting in testing whether the target parameter is respectively significantly greater and lower than some pre-defined lower and upper equivalence limits, is typically used in this context, usually by checking whether the confidence interval for the target parameter lies within the same limits. This intuitive and visual procedure is however known to be conservative, especially in the case of highly variable drugs, where it shows a rapid power loss, often reaching zero, hence making it impossible to conclude for equivalence when it is actually true. This motivated the development of more powerful procedures. Here, we propose a finite sample correction of the TOST procedure, the α-TOST, which consists in an adjustment of the level of the TOST allowing to guarantee a type-I error rate of α. This new procedure essentially corresponds to a finite sample and variability adjustment of the TOST procedure. We show that this procedure, also appealingly relying of the assessment of equivalence by means of confidence intervals, is uniformly more powerful than the TOST, easy to compute, and that its operating characteristics are better that the ones of its competitors. A case study about Econazole Nitrate deposition in porcine skin is used to illustrate the benefits of the proposed method and its advantages compared to other available procedures.