The critical screening parameters (λc) of one-electron systems in circular states under short-range screened Coulomb potentials are investigated using the generalized pseudospectral method. High-precision values of λc are obtained for bound states with the principal quantum number n up to a thousand. The polynomial fittings based on the numerical values indicate that the high-Rydberg limits of the n^2-scaled critical screening parameters, i.e., n^2λc, are equal to 2/e, 1.295220475783830, and 0.543564037493402, respectively, for the Debye-Hückel, Hulthén, and exponential cosine screened Coulomb potentials. It is surprisingly found that these high-Rydberg limits can be well-reproduced from Bohr's correspondence principle together with the semi-classical model of the hydrogen atom. We further show that both the present numerical calculations and the semi-classical analysis can be extended to other short-range potentials such as the generalized exponential, Lennard-Jones, modified Pöschl‒Teller, shifted Morse, Woods-Saxon, and Manning‒Rosen potentials that attract wide interest in atomic, molecular, and nuclear physics.