The laser single pulse (SP)−pulsed laser polymerization (PLP)−electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique allows for deducing propagation (k p ) and termination (k t ) rate coefficients, including the chain-length dependence of k t , from a single pulsed-laser experiment. The method, which is particularly well suited for slowly terminating radicals, e.g., sterically hindered and ionic radicals, is illustrated for di(n-butyl) itaconate in bulk at temperatures from 30 to 60 °C. The time evolution of the DBI radical concentration is measured with a high time resolution at constant magnetic field. Propagation is associated with a relatively low pre-exponential A(k p ), which is responsible for the small k p value of 6.8 L mol −1 s −1 at 30 °C. The chain-length dependence (CLD) of k t , deduced from the same SP− PLP−EPR signal as is k p , turns out to be adequately represented by the composite model. Whereas typical numbers are found for the power-law exponents for short and long radicals and for the crossover chain length, the parameter k t (1,1), which represents mutual termination of two radicals of chain length unity, is by 2 orders of magnitude below k t (1,1) of monomers without significant steric hindrance. Article