Glycine (Gly) single crystals doped with croconic acid (CA) were grown by evaporation from aqueous solutions. Depending on the weight ratio of Gly and CA in solutions, the crystals take on a plate or pyramidal shape. Both powder and single crystal XRD analyses indicate that the crystal lattices of plates (α-Gly:CA) and pyramides (γ-Gly:CA) correspond to the lattices of pure α-Gly and γ-Gly polymorphs, respectively. Raman and FTIR spectra of Gly:CA crystals are very close to the spectra of undoped crystals, but include bands associated with CA impurity. Analysis of UV-Vis absorption spectra indicates that doping does not remarkably change bandgap value Eg~5.2 eV but results in appearance of strong absorption bands in the transparency region of pure glycine crystals, which result from local electronic transitions. Incorporation of CA molecules in Gly creates strong green photoluminescence in a wide spectral range 1.6–3.6 eV. Comparison of the optical spectra of Gly:CA and previously studied TGS:CA crystals indicates that in both cases, the modifications of the optical spectra induced by CA doping are practically identical and are related to the interaction between CA molecules located in the pores of the host Gly crystals and neighboring Gly molecules.